The White House released a statement this month declaring its stance on the opioid epidemic, stating xylazine combined with fentanyl as an emerging threat to the United states. This was in response to a recent report released by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealing a 276% increase of illegally manufactured fentanyl-involved deaths across America since January 2019. In response to the alarming statistic, the Biden-Harris Administration outlined ‘6 pillars of action’ to eradicate the threat, naming Drug Testing, Data Collection, and Evidence-Based Harm Reduction as the top 3 solutions.

Disturbingly, Canada too reports unsettling statistics, revealing a sobering 643% increase in fentanyl samples that also contained xylazine since January 2020, according to a report released by the Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (CCENDU). Canada also identifies Drug Testing, Harm Reduction, as well as Information and Learning Materials, as key tools to respond to the threat of fentanyl related deaths.

Thankfully, there’s already a solution that can encourage and increase safe drug testing, dispense harm reduction supplies, anonymously and securely collect consumer health data, inform the public of the current threat levels in their community, and educate drug users of the inherent risk of consuming contaminated opiates. The solution, smart community-based harm reduction vending machines.

Smart vending machines work similarly to traditional vending machines in that they can freely dispense a range of harm reduction supplies such as drug testing strips to check for contaminants such as fentanyl, naloxone kits to prevent drug overdoses, sterile needles and sexual health supplies to prevent the spread of HIV, and other critical life saving medical supplies 24/7, but with additional capabilities to improve service delivery and keep people safe.

Smart vending machines have the additional capabilities to collect data, control and manage inventory remotely, track and measure consumer activity, display critical health information, and provide interactive learning material and so much more. A fleet of these intelligent product dispensing units can be managed conveniently in one place from a cloud-based system, ensuring each unit’s location is in full compliance with its provincial/state and federal laws, is operational and in complete working order, is stocked with the harm reduction supplies needed most in each location, and utilize AI technology to maximize each units potential to save lives. The only upgrade required to turn a traditional harm reduction vending machine into a smart one is a durable 4ft Touchscreen display, which can be retrofitted onto the front of an existing vending machine.

SMRT1 prepares for nationwide rollout of harm reduction vending machines over the next three years.

SMRT1 Health Technologies has been on the front lines of the opioid epidemic since 2020, when we successfully deployed our first smart harm reduction vending machine, known as the SMRT1 POD, in Nelson, BC at ANKORS. Since then, we have deployed several more pilots across Canada, and have successfully provided over 25,000 visits and 55,000 harm reduction kits, and counting. We’re currently working to deploy a nationwide rollout of harm reduction over the next three years, with contracts in place to expand further into Canada, and enter the US to support our communities across the border in their fight against the opioid epidemic and work together to reduce the critical threat.

At SMRT1, we’re dedicated to creating safe, secure, and easy access to healthcare services through intelligent product dispensing, telehealth services, and cloud-based monitoring. We’re ready and willing to work with healthcare providers, pharmacies and pharmaceutical retailers, both private medical practices and public health services, community based organizations, hospitals and clinics, Non-government organizations (NGO), and other healthcare providers to implement smart self-service health solutions that serve our communities and save lives.

To discuss your SMRT1 health solution, please contact: