

Press Release

SMRT1 Utilizing AR

Utilizing AR, we had a fun day testing out some new virtual SMRT1 locations around town. To the outside world, it looks like we’re taking a photo of the wall. Here is…
April 4, 2022
Public Health

Naloxone Saves Lives!

Did you know that there is only ONE Naloxone prescription for every 79 Opioids prescribed? This life-saving drug only works when it’s readily available, SMRT1 Health POD’s currently provide protection in BC…
April 2, 2022
SMRT1 Data GraphPublic Health

The Data Rolls In

As the COVID-19 epidemic data rolls in, observed and projected opioid-related deaths in Canada are increasing dramatically. From January 2016 projected through June 2022 the number of deaths has doubled. SMRT1 Health…
April 1, 2022

How does smart vending differ from traditional vending?

Smart vending differs from traditional vending by offering a more personalized shopping experience because the consumer’s shopping preferences help to customize and guide the products they are shown. Traditional vending typically only…
January 27, 2021
How doFAQ

How do smart vending machines work?

Smart vending machines are part of the IoT or “Internet of things” which means that machines are connected to the Internet cloud. This allows smart vending machines to access everything on the…
January 28, 2021